Yes- some of the seats had been pulled out. They are replacing the concrete, and this is how they were doing it. It looked very odd, but it'll be nice to have new concrete and a good base.
The museum part of the day was amazing. There are so many pictures and since I can't share all of them, I'll show all the trophy's they have--(in order of the pictures) 1983 World Series Trophy, 1970 WS Trophy, Mens and Womens National Championship Trophy ( UMD basketball), and the Super Bowl V Trophy (Baltimore Colts). 

This of course was only a small portion of the day, (we got to put on different jerseys, including a UMD and Navy Football jersey, we got to see the 2131 banner, and lots of different Orioles and Ravens/Colts memorabilia. It was a great day, and it was worth going out in the rain to see this. More on the offseason later and also keep checking with Avi's blog. Go O's!!

This of course was only a small portion of the day, (we got to put on different jerseys, including a UMD and Navy Football jersey, we got to see the 2131 banner, and lots of different Orioles and Ravens/Colts memorabilia. It was a great day, and it was worth going out in the rain to see this. More on the offseason later and also keep checking with Avi's blog. Go O's!!