The bad part of the day was that it was raining and it looked like it was going to get worse. Right before the game, I looked down into the Cardinals bullpen, and of course there was a ball. Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina tossed it up to us, and Segev grabbed it. It was an amazing pregame performance: we had 5 baseballs and the game hadn't started. I was convinced that if we could grab a good seat in foul ground, we would easily get a ball. There was no one there. This was our view for the game:

It was amazing-- thats in the 10th row (we moved up) and it was right by the ball girl, where all the balls would roll. That's when the bad luck started. The skies looked great, we thought it would clear up, and it would be fine. However- we got stuck in 3 rain delays (the stupid Nationals ballclub will not cancel games) and each time, the crowd got smaller and smaller. And of course, because we were near the ball girl, she got zero, 0, balls the entire game. So we were stuck at 5, got stuck in the rain 3 times, and were soaking wet.
We did get free food during the last rain delay which was nice, but I seriously think we could have hit 7 or 8 if we had had any luck after BP ended. It was a lot of fun, and we did get to see a ballpark neither one of us had been to for a game (I've taken a tour, which was much cooler than watching a ballgame there).

Oh, and because this was a make-up game, late in the season, we didn't get to see Pujols play, and the scoreboard was a messed up for the first inning:

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